15 Apr

Eternal refers to something that is infinite and everlasting, something that lasts forever without beginning or end. It can refer to concepts such as the universe, time, the human soul, or nature. Eternal life as a reward for living a righteous.

Eternal Mixology is commited to creating a harmonious and sustainable enviroment for its bartenders, chefs and the community at large. It is a project, focused on creating a sustainable community for bartenders to learn and inspire each other. It will serve as a hub for sustainability in the bar industry. The project will provide various resources to bartenders, waiters or chefs to help them create sustainable practices in their own bars and venues 

Project will offer workshops, seminars, and training programs for bartenders or chefs to learn more about sustainable practices in the hospitality industry. These programs will be taught by industry leaders, sustainable experts, and chefs.

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